The Admiralty Updating Service is an on-line service for subscribers to Admiralty digital chart services that offers immediate access to the latest digital chart updates over the Internet.
The service is complementary to the standard CD-based updating service for Admiralty digital charts and offers rapid access to the most up-to-date chart information.
MAin features:
-Easy to use, intuitive user interface guides you through the process
-Online updates applied to your ECS or ECDIS in the same way as the weekly update CD
-Use any portable memory device to transfer updates to ECS or ECDIS
-Free of charge to Admiralty digital chart services subscribers
-Fast access to updates from hydrographic offices worldwide; published alongside the Admiralty Notices to Mariners
-Compatible with all displays that use electronic nautical charts or Admiralty raster charts
-Updates the Admiralty Raster Chart Service (ARCS), Admiralty ECDIS Service and Admiralty Vector Chart Service (AVCS)
-Reduces transmission costs by letting you download voyage-specific updates
-Updates delivered on request - you won’t receive ones you haven’t asked for
-Flexible - available by email, online and on CD is simultaneously
-Information log available for officers of the watch or colleagues to review
-Digital signatures secure updates to ensure they’re authentic and uncorrupted.